Category Archives: news

News and notes from the Bunge Lab and beyond


Lab Photoshoot Collage


Photo Credit: Elena Zhukova

Thanks to Hulda Nelson from the Office of Communications & Public Affairs

Congratulations Orly!









We would like to congratulate Orly Perlstein on receiving the very prestigious Warner Brown Award for her Bachelor’s honors thesis work with Zdena Op de Macks!

Game Design Contest Winners Announced!

Game Design Contest Winners Announced!

Congratulations Belén!

Congratulations to Belén Guerra on passing her qualifying exam and becoming a Ph.D. candidate!


Allowing brain scan data into legal proceedings too quickly could be dangerous


Silvia recently participated in a panel about the implications of neuroscience in legal proceedings:  Allowing brain scan data into legal proceedings too quickly could be dangerous


Research Workshop in Bielefeld, Germany

Silvia is currently attending a research workshop on task driven control of thought and action by working memory: linking mind and brain in Bielefeld, Germany.

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In Defense of Working Memory Training

“In his recent New Yorker piece, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gareth Cook concluded that working memory training will not make you smarter. According to Gareth, ‘Playing the games makes you better at the game, in other words, but not at anything anyone might care about in real life.’ But is this really the most informative conclusion we can draw from the data?”

Presentations at Society for Research in Child Development: April 18-20, 2013


Executive Function: Basic Science to Intervention: Room 4C-3 (Washington Convention Center)
Discussant(s): Adele Diamond (University of British Columbia)
Chair(s): Philip Zelazo (University of Minnesota)
10:20 AM – 11:50 AM:  A Neuroscientific Perspective on the Cognitive Training of Executive Function
Silvia A. Bunge

Poster Session 5: Exhibit Hall 4EF (Washington Convention Center)
2:40 PM – 3:40 PM: Variations on the Bilingual Advantage? Heritage Language Maintenance and Executive Function in 2nd Generation Immigrant Children
Stephen H. Chen; Qing Zhou; Silvia A. Bunge



Mindfulness In children: The effects of training studies in low- and high-risk samples: Aspen (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Discussant(s): Silvia Bunge (University of California, Berkeley)
Chair(s): Elisa Esposito (University of Minnesota)

12:30 PM – 2:00 PM: Mindfulness in children: The effects of training studies in low- and high-risk samples
Elisa A. Esposito; Silvia A. Bunge
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM: Benefits of Mindfulness Training in Early Childhood
Anna E. Johnson; Kristen Lyons; Philip D. Zelazo
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM: Applications of a Mindfulness-based Curriculum in Early Education
Lisa Flook; Richard J. Davidson
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM: The Effects of Mindfulness and Executive Function Skills Trainings on Post-Institutionalized Children
Jamie M. Lawler; Elisa A. Esposito; Colleen B. Doyle; Anna E. Johnson; Megan Gunnar



Poster Session 13: Exhibit Hall 4EF (Washington Convention Center)
10:20AM – 11 :20AM: Developmental Differences in Medial Temporal Lobe Recruitment During Episodic Recollection
Marcos Sastre; Julia Ross; Jacqueline Pospisil; Joshua K. Lee; Carter Wendelken; Silvia A. Bunge; Simona Ghetti

Memory: Context and Predictors: Aspen (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Chair(s): Catherine Haden (Loyola University Chicago)
10:20 AM – 11 :50 AM: Increasing White Matter Coherence Between MTL and PFC Supports Improving Mnemonic Control in Children
Carter Wendelken; Joshua K. Lee; Jacqueline Pospisil; Marcos Sastre; Julia Ross; Silvia A. Bunge; Simona Ghetti

Poster Session 14: Exhibit Hall 4EF (Washington Convention Center)
11 :40AM – 12:40 PM: I Spy a Triangle! Preschoolers’ Geometric Knowledge
Angeliki Athanasopoulou; Brian N. Verdine; Ann Bunger; Roberta Golinkoff; Kathryn A. Hirsh-Pasek

Inaugural Conference for Flux: The International Congress for Integrative Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

September 19-21, 2013
Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh Downtown
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

The aim of The Flux Congress is to provide a forum for developmental cognitive neuroscientists to share their findings, expand their knowledge base, and be better informed of translational approaches.

Each year will focus on a compelling new theme in the field.  The theme of the inaugural Flux Congress will be basic mechanisms of cognition and motivation through development.

The Flux team have created a conference program that will appeal to developmental cognitive neuroscientists, researchers, and students alike.  David Lewis, MD, will present the Keynote Address on understanding how molecular mechanisms can inform systems level neuroimaging studies of cognitive development.

Reasoning Training Increases Brain Connectivity Associated with High-Level Cognition

The Bunge Lab was recently cited in Scientific American for our recent publications linking reasoning training to strengthened neural pathways associated with higher-level cognitive ability: