
Graduate students

Michael Souza, Psychology, 2009. Current position: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto at Scarborough

Allyson Mackey, Neuroscience, 2012; Postdoctoral fellow at MIT, Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania

Kirstie Whitaker, Neuroscience, 2012; Subsequent position: Postdoctoral fellow at Cambridge University.

Anna Luerssen, Psychology, 2013 (with Ozlem Ayduk); Subsequent position: Assistant Professor at Lehman College, CUNY

Zdeña Op de Macks, Psychology, 2016 (with Ron Dahl); Subsequent position: postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oregon.

Alison Miller Singley, Psychology, 2017; Current position: Educational consultant.

Chloe Green, School of Education, 2017 (secondary advisor, with Frank Worrell); Current position: Neuropsychologist in private practice.

Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli, Psychology, 2017 (reentry student). Professor at Northwestern University & McGovern Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Belén Guerra Carrillo, Psychology, 2018. Current position: Data Scientist at Grammarly.

Maria Eckstein, Psychology (Secondary advisor) Current position: Google DeepMind; forthcoming: Assistant Professor at UC Davis

Monica Ellwood-Lowe, Psychology, 2023 (with Mahesh Srinivasan). Current position: Postdoctoral fellow at University of Pennsylvania

Willa Voorhies, Psychology, 2023 (with Kevin Weiner), Psychology & Helen Wills Neuroscience trainee. Current position: internship.

Smriti Mehta, Psychology, 2023. Current position: Postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley

Full-time research assistants/lab managers

Ethan Willbrand (MD./Ph.D. student at the University of Wisconsin; co-mentored with Kevin Weiner)

Sophia Baia (Graduate student at Arizona State University)

Heather Anderson (Graduate student at University of Oregon)

Jesse Niebaum (Current position: Postdoctoral fellow at UC Davis)

Jordan Tharp (Subsequent position: Graduate student at UC Berkeley)

Chloe Green (Subsequent position: Ph.D. in Education from UC Berkeley)

Carol Baym (Ph.D. from U Illinois)

Sarah Donohue (Ph.D. from Duke University; Research Scientist at Max Planck Institute in Tübingen)

Samantha Wright; Susanna Hill; Maia Barrow

Postdoctoral fellows

Katherine Alfred, Ph.D. from Dartmouth College. Co-advised with Prof. David Kraemer.

Suvi Häkkinen, Ph.D. from University of Helsinki. Co-advised with Prof. Kevin Weiner. Current position: Research scientist, Feinberg Lab, UC Berkeley.

Elena Galeano Weber, Ph.D. from Goethe University in Frankfurt. Current position: Postdoctoral fellow at Goethe University, Frankfurt.

Ariel Starr, Ph.D. from Duke University. Postdoctoral NRSA Fellow. Current position: Assistant Professor at University of Washington

Wei-Chun Wang, Ph.D. from Duke University. Subsequent position: Data scientist at Kaiser Permanente. **please check

Michael Vendetti, Ph.D. from UCLA. 2013-2015. Current position: Research analyst at Oracle. **please check

Carter Wendelken, Ph.D. from UC Berkeley. Postdoctoral fellow, 2003-2008; Staff research associate, 2008-2016. Current position: ** please check: Google

Yana Fandakova, Ph.D. from Max Planck Institute for Human Development. 2014-2016 (Co-mentors: Simona Ghetti and Silvia Bunge). Subsequent position: Research Scientist at Max Planck Institute for Human Development

Pedro (Kepa) Paz-Alonso, Ph.D. Co-mentored with Prof. Simona Ghetti at UC Davis. Current position: Associate Professor at the Basque Center for Cognition, Brain and Language.

Chris Blais, Ph.D. from University of Waterloo. NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship from Canadian government. 2008-2010. Current position: Assistant Research Professor at Arizona State University.

Elizabeth O’Hare, Ph.D. from UCLA. 2008-2010. Current position: Consultant at Burke Lewis.

Eveline Crone, Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam. Postdoctoral Fellow 2003-2005. Current position: Full Professor at Leiden University, the Netherlands.

Visiting Master’s students
Maria K. Eckstein (Germany)
Espen Hauk Helskog (Norway)
Linda van Leijenhorst (the Netherlands)

Undergraduate honor’s thesis students

Ethan Willbrand (co-advised with Kevin Weiner; Swan Award; Departmental Citation Award to the top undergraduate in Psychology in 2021), Jewelia Yao (co-advised with Kevin Weiner; Departmental Citation Award to the top undergraduate in Psychology in 2020; Swan Award), Lara Taniguchi, Gowri Swamy, Jeffrey Crawford, Bryan Wu (co-advised with Dr. Elysa Marco at UCSF), Orly Perlstein (Warner Brown Award for top undergraduate thesis in Psychology at UCB, 2014), Sally Bae, Layne Bernstein, Connor Lemos, Natalie De Shetler, Sasha Gupta, Justin Louie, Mehdi Bouhaddou, Sandeep Sahblock, Bryan Matlen, Michael Souza, Madeleine Bernstein (secondary advisor), Emily Kleinfelder.

Undergraduate/postgraduate research assistants

Margot Mitchell, Zar Baquai, Narod Berberian, Brendan Berry, Jaquelyn Borcea, Jeff Chu, David Chung, Kristin Dang, Jessica Guerrero, Michael Harris, Faith Hill, Josh Hoerger, Annie Hogan, Sandhya Kannan, Cimeran Kapur, Haley Caroline Keglovits, Jennifer Kim, Andrea Larco, Michelle Lee, Robin Libove, Jon Lovas, Rebecca Martin, Desirae Martinez, Rohan Oberoi, Emily Olsen, Sarah Peykar, Monique Porsandeh, Deepti Pujare, Natalie Repin, Jessica Rivera, Talia Seider, Mike Sinanian, Chelsea Spitze

This list is woefully incomplete! Former RAs: please reach back out if you’d like to be added.