Author Archives: sbunge

Congratulations to Chloe Green!

Chloe Green, a graduate student in the Bunge Lab, has graduated with a Ph.D. from the School Psychology program in the School of Education at UC Berkeley! Congrats!

Brain Development and Reasoning in Paraguay

Afiche Dra. BungeThis summer Professor Bunge will be visiting Paraguay
and teaching a short course on Brain Development and Reasoning!


Professor Bunge’s Collaboration with the Max Planck Institute


Professor Bunge and researchers at the Max Planck Institute were recently published in Berkeley News for their article titled “First year of grade school sharpens kids’ attention skills”. To read the full article click here!

NIH-NICHD Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award!


Congratulations! Postdoctoral Scholar Ariel Starr has received the NIH-NICHD Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award for her project titled: “Longitudinal Research on the Links Between Reasoning and Math.” This project plans on conducting cognitive play interventions designed to boost reasoning and math skills in kindergarten and first-grade students as well as delving into the neural mechanisms supporting the links between these two abilities.

Frontiers Human Neuroscience Publication

Frontiers Human Neuroscience
Professor Bunge contributed to a new eBook: The Reasoning Brain: the interplay between cognitive neuroscience and theories of reasoning.

Society of Experimental Psychologists


Congratulations! Professor Bunge has been elected as a Fellow of the Society of Experimental Psychologists, the oldest and most prestigious honorary society in Psychology.

Materials for Learning and the Brain conference attendees

Dear conference attendees,

Thanks for your interest in our work. Here are the materials you asked for:

Study examining cognitive benefits of playing games
List of games used in the study 
Effects of law school test prep on brain structure
Effects of law school test prep on brain function


Silvia Bunge

Interview with Professor Pio Tudela

Professor Pio Tudela at the University of Granada held an interview with Professor Bunge about the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience.

Upcoming Conferences

Professor Bunge is on the board for two upcoming conferences.

FLUX Congress 2016
FLUX Conference 2016

IMBES 2016 Conference

Jacobs Foundation and Alexander von Humboldt Awards!

Professor Bunge received both an Alexander von Humbold Research Award and a Jacobs Foundation Advanced Career Research Fellowship! Congratulations!