Author Archives: sbunge

Scientific American: How Does Poverty Affect the Brain?

Professor Bunge gave an interview to the Scientific American at the Society forScientificAmericanPoverty
Neuroscience (SFN) conference in Chicago last week!
How Does Poverty Affect the Brain?

Flux Conference 2015

Silvia_FluxPresentation_2015 Professor Bunge gave a talk at last week’s Flux Congress in Lieden, The Netherlands! The Flux Congress acts as a forum for developmental cognitive neuroscientists and psychologists to share their findings, expand their knowledge base, and be informed of translational approaches. Prof. Bunge is a founding member of the Executive Committee for the Congress.

To find out more, check out their website:

The Fourth Annual Flux Congress will be held September 13-16, 2016, in St. Louis, MO.

New Wellness at Berkeley Video Series

Professors Silvia Bunge and Rudy Mendoza-Denton have collaborated on creating a set of wellness videos for wide distribution across the Berkeley campus! Please see the link below to view. These videos are public, so please feel free to use and distribute.

Wellness at Berkeley

Congratulations to Dr. Zdena op de Macks!

Congratulations to Zdena Op de Macks, Ph.D., who successfully submitted her dissertation entitled, “Risky Decision-Making in Adolescent Girls: The Role of Pubertal Hormones and Social Comparison”. The lab will miss you greatly!


Scientists detect brain network that gives humans superior reasoning skills

Congratulations Mike and Silvia on their review in Neuron!

Press Release: Scientists detect brain network that gives humans superior reasoning skills

Neuron: Evolutionary and Developmental Changes in the Lateral Frontoparietal Network: A Little Goes a Long Way for Higher-Level Cognition


Lab Photoshoot Collage


Photo Credit: Elena Zhukova

Thanks to Hulda Nelson from the Office of Communications & Public Affairs

Congratulations Orly!









We would like to congratulate Orly Perlstein on receiving the very prestigious Warner Brown Award for her Bachelor’s honors thesis work with Zdena Op de Macks!

Game Design Contest Winners Announced!

Game Design Contest Winners Announced!

Congratulations Belén!

Congratulations to Belén Guerra on passing her qualifying exam and becoming a Ph.D. candidate!


Allowing brain scan data into legal proceedings too quickly could be dangerous


Silvia recently participated in a panel about the implications of neuroscience in legal proceedings:  Allowing brain scan data into legal proceedings too quickly could be dangerous