As the academic year comes to an end we want to celebrate lab alumni that are going separate ways. Four wonderful lab members, Carter, Chloe, Allison, and Heather were great members at the Bunge Lab. All four have contributed so much to the lab over the course of many years… Carter has spent 14 years in in the lab, joining the lab a month after it was started, all the way to receiving his Ph.D. in computer science from Berkeley. Chloe came next, first as our lab manager and then as a graduate student in the School Psychology program. Then Alison, first as a volunteer working after-hours while holding down a professional job, and later as a graduate student in Psychology. And finally, Heather, first as a volunteer and then taking on more and more responsibilities until she became our lab manager and now she is on her way as graduate student at University of Oregon. Simply put, the lab would be completely different today without their expertise, hard work, and loyalty. You all will be missed and we wish you good luck!
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Recent Entries
- Breaking the mould of executive function research
- Lateral frontoparietal functional connectivity based on individual sulcal morphology
- Illuminating the Brain Consortium
- Newly published textbook on developmental cognitive neuroscience!
- We are currently hiring!
- Development of human lateral prefrontal sulcal morphology and its relation to reasoning performance
- Uncovering a tripartite landmark in posterior cingulate cortex
- Presence or absence of a prefrontal sulcus is linked to reasoning performance during child development
- Relational thinking: an executive function?
- Congrats to doctoral candidate Smriti Mehta!